Webinar HAI & „Euros for Docs“, 22.6., 15 Uhr
Über die Mailingliste unseres No-Free-Lunch-Netzwerks hat uns nachstehender Veranstaltungshinweis erreicht, zu dem HAI (Health Action International) und „Euros for Docs“ ganz herzlich einladen:
Health Action International is delighted to announce our latest pharmaceutical promotion webinar, ‘Transparency Matters: Using data to protect health’.
This time we are pleased to have Luc Martinon of Euros for Docs join me to discuss their recently launched data platform. This webinar will focus on the importance of harnessing data for true transparency in health, including the amount provided to healthcare practitioners from pharmaceutical companies across Europe and the UK, and Euros for Docs‘ aims for the future of the project.
The webinar is on Tuesday 22 June at 3pm CEST (Amsterdam). You can register here.
As ever, everyone is welcome to join – we’re particularly targeting this webinar at medical and pharmaceutical students and healthcare professionals with some understanding of the issues around pharmaceutical promotion. Please feel free to disseminate this invitation amongst your networks.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
Best wishes,
Policy Advisor, EU Projects
Health Action International
T: +31 (0) 20 412 4523 | M: +31 (0) 758 411 6039 |
Overtoom 60 (2) | 1054 HK Amsterdam | The Netherlands